domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Leccion 47ª: Phrasal verbs: To Put


To put aside (tr.): Ahorrar (especialmente dinero) para un uso posterior

We should start putting aside money to pay an English summer course for our daughter
To put (something) back: Atrasar la fecha de un evento

Next Monday our president will be abroad; we have to put the meeting back
To put (a watch) back / forward : Atrasar / adelantar un reloj

The 31st of October in Europe the watches have to be put back one hour
To put (something) back: Volver a colocar algo en su sitio

My kids never put their toys back; I always have to do it myself
To put down (tr.): Sofocar una rebelión / revuelta

The police put down the demonstration using tear gas
To put down (tr.): Escribir

I could put down the number plate of the car that hit yours
To put down (tr.): Poner en un sitio (lo contrario de pick-up)

I told my kid to put down the old watch but he didn't obey me
To put (something) down to (tr.): Atribuir a algo

He was very listless in the party but I put it down to his tiredness
To put forward (propuesta / idea): Proponer algo para su debate

I put forward a proposal in the last meeting but no one supported it
To put in (tr.): Colocar / instalar una maquina en su sitio

The technician came yesterday to put in the new dishwasher
To put in for ( a job / a post): Solicitar un trabajo

When I finished my studies I put in for a job in a bank
To put (someone) off: Comunicar a alguien que se retrasa una cita con él

I invited him for dinner but had to put him off because I started feeling bad
To put off (an action): Postponerla

We should put off our tennis match; I will be very busy this afternoon
To put on (vestidos, joyas, etc.): Ponerse (lo contrario de take off)

Which dress are you going to put on for this weeding?
To put on (tr.): Poner en marcha un aparato apretando un interruptor

The first thing he does when arrives at home is to put on the TV
To put out (tr.): Apagar una luz / un fuego

Yesterday night you went to bed and forgot to put out the light
To be put out: Enfadar a alguien

I was very put out when she didn't invite me to her party
To put up (edificios, monumentos, etc.): Levantar

We need to put up a fence in the garden to avoid our dog goes out
To put (someone) up to (something): Explicar a alguien cómo hacer algo, normalmente un truco

My granny put my mother up to many of her delicious recipes
To put up with (something): Soportar algo pacientemente

We have to put up with our neighbours; they are really rude

Leccion 46ª: Phrasal verbs: To Make


To make for (somewhere) (tr.): Ir en esa dirección

When I saw the dogs I made for the exit
To make off (intr.): Largarse (ladrones con algo) (Inglés americano)

The thieves made off with a big loot before the police arrived
To make out (something): Comprender porque algo ha ocurrido

I cannot make out how this microwave got on fire
To make out: Ver / oír algo / a alguien con dificultad

This classroom is very noisy. I cannot make out what the teacher says
To make up (something): Inventarse una historia o una excusa

The detainee made up a ridiculous story to justify himself
To make up (something): Componer, formr parte

A watch is made up of hundreds of pieces
To make up one's mind: Tomar una decisión

I don't know what to do: I haven't made up my mind yet
To make up (a quarrel): Finalizar una disputa

You should make up that dispute with your brother
To make up (the face): Maquillarse (Inglés americano)

You don't need to make up your face; you look wonderful

Leccion 45ª: Phrasal verbs: To Look


To look after (tr.): Cuidar

When my mother is not at home I have to look after my little brother
To look ahead (intr.): Prever el futuro para tomar ya medidas

You should look ahead and decide what do you want to do in your life
To look at (tr.): Mirar directamente

Please, don't look at me like that
To look back (intr): Mirar al pasado

Alice is always looking back. She should live the present
To look for (tr.): Buscar

Can you help me to look for my glasses?
To look forward to (tr.) : Esperar con interés un acontecimiento futuro (suele ir acompañado de gerundio)

I am looking forward to seeing you next summer
To look in (intr.): Hacer una corta visita de improviso a alguien

Coming back from work I looked in to see my parents
To look into (tr.): Investigar

The police is looking into the strange death of that businessman
To look out (intr.): Estar atento

Look out! You are driving too fast
To look over (tr.) Revisar algo rápidamente, leer nuevamente, inspeccionar criticamente

You should look over your essay before handing it to the teacher
To look through (tr.) Mirar entre un conjunto de cosas buscando algo para seleccionarlo

Look through all these books and pick whichever you want
To look up (tr.): Buscar algo (un nombre, una palabra, una definición, etc.) en un libro

If you don't understand a word you can look up it in the dictionary

leccion 44ª: Phrasal verbs: To Go


To go ahead (intr.): Seguir adelante

You should go ahead with that interesting project, even if you don't find any support
To go along with (something / someone): Apoyar una idea, estar de acuerdo con alguien

Our president went along with my idea to enter in the Chinese market
To go away (intr..): Marcharse

I haven't seen her for a while; probably she has gone away without saying a word
To go back on (tr.): Retirar o romper una promesa

He went back on his promise to invite me for dinner
To go down (intr.): Ser recibida una idea con aprobación

His plan to reduce costs in the factory went down very well
To go for (tr.): Elegir

My parents went for this school because it was very close to our home
To go for (tr.): Atacar

Your dog went for my cat and almost killed it
To go in for (tr.): Estar muy interesado en algo, practicar algo, participar en competiciones

My brother goes in for golf
To go into (tr.): Investigar detenidamente

The police is determined to go into his death; they don't believe that it was a suicide
To go off (intr.): Abandonar un lugar para dirijirse a otro

After work I went off to try to find a shop where to buy a new suit
To go off (intr.): Explotar

The bomb went off in the middle of the parking
To go on (intr.): Continuar

The went on arguing about politics all the night
To go on with (tr.): Continuar con algo

You should go on with your studies about the French Revolution
To go on (intr.): Ocurrir

Many ambulances have passed; do you know what's going on?
To go out (intr.): Salir de casa para entretenerse

My son has a lot of friends and he goes out almost every evening
To go over (tr.): Examinar, estudiar o repetir cuidadosamente

I have to go over my report to correct some spelling mistakes
To go through with (tr.): Finalizar algo desagradable o difícil que has planeado o que has prometido hacer

My son didn't want to go to England, but finally he decided to go through it
To go through (tr.): Experimentar una situación difícil o desagradable

Last year I went through a very difficult time after losing my job
To go through (tr.): Examinar el conetenido de algo atentamente

In the bookshop I went through the books looking for one about tidal waves
To go together (intr.): Personas / objetos / situaciones que suelen ir juntas

Normally the optimism and the good luck go together
To go without (tr.): No tener algo que habitualmente se tiene

What a problem! I broke my glasses and I cannot go without it

Lec cion 43ª: Phrasal verbs: To Get


To get away (intr): Abandonar un lugar, una persona, con el sentido de liberarse

I always have a lot of work in the office and cannot get away till very late
To get away with (tr): Escapar sin castigo de algo mal hecho

He copied in the exam and got away with it
To get back (tr): Recuperar la posesión de algo

I lent him a very interesting book and I am sure that I am not going to get it back
To get behind with (tr): Retrasarse con el trabajo, con los pagos, etc.

I have lost my job and I am afraid that now I could get behind with my mortgage
To get on (intr.): Tener éxito en alguna actividad, hacer progresos

My brother is getting on very well with his studies
To get on (intr.): Llevarse bien con alguien

My friend doesn't get on well with his father
To get out (intr.): Escapar de un sitio cerrado

The tiger got out of his jail and the zoo had to be evacuated
To get out of (tr.): Liberarse de una obligación, de un hábito

I drink too much coffee but I cannot get out of this habit
To get over (tr): Recuperarse de una enfermedad

I still feel very weak. Undoubtedly I need more time to get over this serious pneumonia
To get over it (tr): Acometer algo y finalizarlo ("it" representa algo desagradable)

It was very sad for me to sell my house but finally I could get over it
To get round (tr): Encontrar un modo de superar o evitar una norma, una regulación, una dificultad

My lawyer is looking for a way to get round the new law that impede us to build in this land
To get through (tr): Terminar con éxito un trabajo o tarea de cierta dificultad

I could get through my exams with a lot of effort
To get through (intr): Establecer comunicación telefónica

When I was in Russia and tried to call Spain it was very difficult to get through
To get together with (somebody): Reunirse con alguien para hacer algo, para pasar un tiempo junto

When I was in England last summer I got together with people from different countries
To get up (intr.): Levantarse de la cama

At what time did you get up this morning?

Leccion 42ª: Phrasal verbs: To Come


To come across (tr.): Encontrar por causalidad un objeto / una persona

Yesterday when I was looking for a book I came across these old photos
To come along (intr.): Llegar a un lugar

The film started at 10 o'clock but we came along one hour later
To come apart (intr.) Dividirse en varias partes

My watch fell onto the floor and came apart
To come away (intr.): Separarse de algo

He hit the ball with his racket so strongly that its grip came away
To come off (intr.): Tener éxito en un plan, un proyecto (se utiliza en oraciones negativas)

His plan to work abroad didn't come off
To come off (intr.): Tener lugar, celebrarse

Our wedding is coming off next September
To come on (intr.): Animar a alguien a hacer algo / a darse prisa (cuando está dudando)

Come on! You can jump that distance, Try again!
To come out (intr.): Desaparecer una mancha (de color, de suciedad...)

I am not sure that this stain will come out
To come out (intr.): Ser publicado

The fifth book about Harry Potters came out last May
To come out (intr.): Ser revelado (la verdad, un hecho que inicialmente se trató de esconder pero que finalmente ha salido a la luz pública)

The president tried to hide his past but finally his relation with the Mafia came out
To come over: Visitar a alguien en su casa

This evening I am coming over to my brother's house to talk to him
To come round (intr.): Recobrar la conciencia

After the accident he was unconscious for two hours until he finally came round
To come round (intr.): Aceptar una sugerencia inicialmente rechazada

At the beginning he didn't accept my suggestion but finally he came round
To come up (intr.): To be mentioned (en una conversación)

Their disagreement about the monarchy always comes out when they talk about politics
To come up to (tr.): Acercarse a una distancia corta para poder hablar

My boss came up to me and told me that I was fired

Leccion 41ª: Phrasal verbs: To Call


To call at (a place): Visitar por un corto periodo de tiempo

I called at the chemist's to buy some medicines
To call back (intr.): Volver a un lugar con objeto de visitar a alguien o recoger algo (ya que antes no se hizo)

I left my glasses in my brother's house; I have to call back to pick them
To call for (someone / something): Visitar un lugar para recoger a alguien o algo

I have to go to the airport to call for a friend who comes from Russia
To call for (something): necesitar o requerir, demandar una acción particular o una cualidad

The behaviour of that football player called for an exemplary sanction
To call in (a person): Llamar a alguien para que venga a casa a realizar algún servicio

Yesterday night my wife had to call in a plumber to fix a tab
To call in (intr.): Visitar un lugar / una persona por un corto periodo de tiempo, normalmente de paso hacia otro sitio

During my last trip to Madrid I had time to call in and see my brother
To call off (something): cancelar algo que aún no ha empezado o abandnar algo que ya estaba en progreso

The concert had to be called off because of the few people interested
To call (someone) up: telefonear

My mother called me up this morning to know our plans for the week-end