domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Lec cion 43ª: Phrasal verbs: To Get


To get away (intr): Abandonar un lugar, una persona, con el sentido de liberarse

I always have a lot of work in the office and cannot get away till very late
To get away with (tr): Escapar sin castigo de algo mal hecho

He copied in the exam and got away with it
To get back (tr): Recuperar la posesión de algo

I lent him a very interesting book and I am sure that I am not going to get it back
To get behind with (tr): Retrasarse con el trabajo, con los pagos, etc.

I have lost my job and I am afraid that now I could get behind with my mortgage
To get on (intr.): Tener éxito en alguna actividad, hacer progresos

My brother is getting on very well with his studies
To get on (intr.): Llevarse bien con alguien

My friend doesn't get on well with his father
To get out (intr.): Escapar de un sitio cerrado

The tiger got out of his jail and the zoo had to be evacuated
To get out of (tr.): Liberarse de una obligación, de un hábito

I drink too much coffee but I cannot get out of this habit
To get over (tr): Recuperarse de una enfermedad

I still feel very weak. Undoubtedly I need more time to get over this serious pneumonia
To get over it (tr): Acometer algo y finalizarlo ("it" representa algo desagradable)

It was very sad for me to sell my house but finally I could get over it
To get round (tr): Encontrar un modo de superar o evitar una norma, una regulación, una dificultad

My lawyer is looking for a way to get round the new law that impede us to build in this land
To get through (tr): Terminar con éxito un trabajo o tarea de cierta dificultad

I could get through my exams with a lot of effort
To get through (intr): Establecer comunicación telefónica

When I was in Russia and tried to call Spain it was very difficult to get through
To get together with (somebody): Reunirse con alguien para hacer algo, para pasar un tiempo junto

When I was in England last summer I got together with people from different countries
To get up (intr.): Levantarse de la cama

At what time did you get up this morning?

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