domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Leccion 46ª: Phrasal verbs: To Make


To make for (somewhere) (tr.): Ir en esa dirección

When I saw the dogs I made for the exit
To make off (intr.): Largarse (ladrones con algo) (Inglés americano)

The thieves made off with a big loot before the police arrived
To make out (something): Comprender porque algo ha ocurrido

I cannot make out how this microwave got on fire
To make out: Ver / oír algo / a alguien con dificultad

This classroom is very noisy. I cannot make out what the teacher says
To make up (something): Inventarse una historia o una excusa

The detainee made up a ridiculous story to justify himself
To make up (something): Componer, formr parte

A watch is made up of hundreds of pieces
To make up one's mind: Tomar una decisión

I don't know what to do: I haven't made up my mind yet
To make up (a quarrel): Finalizar una disputa

You should make up that dispute with your brother
To make up (the face): Maquillarse (Inglés americano)

You don't need to make up your face; you look wonderful

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