domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Leccion 39ª: Conjunciones



I study and my brother watches TV
As (mientras; la 2ª acción ocurre antes de que la 1ª haya finalizado, o evolucionan paralelamente)

As he grew older he became more aggressive

Because (porque)

You cannot go to the party because you are too young

Both the Spanish team and the English one play football quite well

I studied very hard but I didn't pass the exam

I have to decide to go either to Paris or to London
However (como quiera, sin embargo)

I explained my problem to him, however he didn't understand it
If (si -condicional-)

If he studys he will pas his exams
Neither... nor

I like neither this tie nor that one
Nevertheless (sin embargo)

I didn't receive an invitation to the party; nevertheless I went there
Not only...but also

My brother not only speaks French but also German

From here to Gibraltar you can go by train or by car
Otherwise (de otro modo)

We must leave now, otherwise we will lose our flight
So (por lo tanto)

It was raining a lot, so we decided to rest at home
That (que)

I didn't know that you had bought a new car
Therefore (mismo significado que "so" pero más formal)

I had fever; therefore I didn't go to work
Though (aunque, pero) ("Although" tiene el mismo significado pero es más formal)

He didn't admit his fault, though he knew it was his responsibility
Unless (a menos que)

Unless you study more you won´t pass your exams
When (cuando; las dos oraciones ocurren simultáneamente o una detrás de la otra)

When the weather is good lots of people go to the beach

Diferencia entre When / as

Las 2 se utilizan para acciones paralelas.

La conjunción "when" también se utiliza cuando una acción ocurre después de la otra:

When you finish your homework you will play with your friends
"As" también se emplea cuando una acción ocurre antes que finalice la otra

As I flew to Barcelona I started feeling bad
While (mientras)

While I was away my house was burgled

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