domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Leccion 40ª: Phrasal verbs: To Break


El phrasal verb es una combinación de verbo + partícula (preposición / adverbio). La partícula hace cambiar el significado del verbo. En inglés se utilizan hasta 5.000 phrasal verbs.

Los verbos más utilizados en la formación de phrasal verbs son:

to come, to get, to go, to look, to make, to put, to take
Las párticulas que suelen acompañar a estos verbos son:

about, around, away, back, down, for, in, into, off, on, out, over, through, up, with,
Phrasal verbs: "To Break"


(tr.): Transitivo, va acompañado de complemento directo

(intr.) Intransitivo, no lleva complemento directo

To break down (tr.): Derribar algo utilizando la fuerza

The police broke down the door to get into the house
To break down (tr.): Dividir un total en diferentes subrgrupos

Could you break down the total sales of your company into countries?
To break down (intr.): Derrumbarse una persona física o mentalmente

When he heard about his father's death he broke down
To break down (intr.): Dejar una máquina de funcionar

Last Sunday, coming back from the beach my car broke down
To break in (intr.) / into (tr.): entrar en un sitio utilizando la fuerza para robar

The robbers broke into the bank during the night
To break in (intr.) / into (tr.): Interrumpir a alguien que está hablando de forma descortés (Inglés americano)

When the teacher was explaining the lesson one student broke in with a stupid remark
To break off (tr. / intr.): Separar un trozo de algo

A big branch broke off and fell onto the car
To break off (tr.): Romper un compromiso / unas negociaciones

My company broke off its agreement with the local authorities
To break off (intr.): Parar de repente de hablar

He was talking to us about his trip but suddenly broke off without any reason
To break out (intr.): Estallar (guerras, epidemias, fuego)

The Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936
To break out (intr.): Escapar de prision

Two very dangerous prisoners broke out of prison and disappeared
To break up (tr./intr.): destruir, desintegrar

The rocket broke up when it entered the atmosphere
To break up (intr.): Finalizar (meeting, fiesta, curso escolar...) (Inglés americano)

The meeting with our salesmen broke up at 2 o'clock in the morning

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